Featured Speaker: WILLIAM PORTER


I started drinking and smoking when I was around 14 years old. In my late teens, in an attempt to stop smoking, I read Allen Carr’s Easyway. I was fascinated by his pragmatic and practical approach to what was a confusing and complicated subject.
Over the years my drinking steadily increased but I continued to take a common sense analysis of what it was doing to me, coupled with a technical analysis of the chemical, physiological and psychological factors at play.
This continued for over a quarter of a century, during which I joined the 4th (Reserve) Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, served a 6 month tour of Iraq, qualified as a lawyer, started a career in the Financial Services sector of the City of London, got married, and had children.
My drinking continued to increase until, in February 2014, I finally stopped for good. I now live with my wife and two children in West London, and continue to work as a lawyer.


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William's Gift


I started drinking and smoking when I was around 14 years old. In my late teens, in an attempt to stop smoking, I read Allen Carr’s Easyway. I was fascinated by his pragmatic and practical approach to what was a confusing and complicated subject.
Over the years my drinking steadily increased but I continued to take a common sense analysis of what it was doing to me, coupled with a technical analysis of the chemical, physiological and psychological factors at play.
This continued for over a quarter of a century, during which I joined the 4th (Reserve) Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, served a 6 month tour of Iraq, qualified as a lawyer, started a career in the Financial Services sector of the City of London, got married, and had children.
My drinking continued to increase until, in February 2014, I finally stopped for good. I now live with my wife and two children in West London, and continue to work as a lawyer.


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